Avoid these 8 bad habits to grow as a programmer.

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8 Malos hábitos que debes evitar si quieres crecer como programador!

wolfcito workstation
  1. Stop giving up, sometimes problems may seem bigger than they actually are, but don't surrender, take a break, and come back stronger.
  2. Denying that sometimes you also need help.
  3. Not setting deadlines for your goals, and even worse, not having any goal or plan. No matter how small or insignificant you think your goal or plan is, always have one. Achieving it will make you feel better about yourself. Frank Marshall used to say, "A bad plan is better than no plan at all."
  4. Not dedicating some time for yourself and only working tirelessly from dawn to dusk! Your most valuable resource is yourself.
  5. Getting carried away by the magic of copy-pasting code without understanding it.
  6. Watch out! I'm not saying you should reinvent the wheel, just make an effort to understand a little more each time, and one day you won't need to copy and paste, you'll know what's happening and be able to solve it on your own. Thinking that you have the absolute truth and not learning from your own mistakes. If you take a moment to think, your mistakes are as valuable, if not more, than your successes. Use them to your advantage.
  7. Not sharing your knowledge. You can enhance your knowledge when you share it with the world, and in the process, you'll solidify things that were not entirely clear.
  8. Using the wrong tools for a task due to lack of prior research. Remember, first solve the problem, then write the code.